After the phenomenal success of the film 'Malarvadi Arts Club', the Malayalam film industry has announced another Malayalam film with new comers. The pooja of the big-budget ‘Bangok Summer’ took place at Mascot Hotel here on October 21. Mamooty, the chief guest at the event, lit the traditional lamp, announcing the commencement of the film.
The film will be directed by the director-duo Pramod-Pappan and produced by Joby George Thadathil of Joel Cine Labs. It is the first venture of the production house and two more projects from the house are in the fray, said the producer on the occasion of the pooja ceremony.
The film 'Bangkok Summer' would be a thriller, catering to the youth audience of the state. It is going to be completely shot in Bangkok and new comers play all the major parts in the film and its making, said Rajesh Jayaraman, scriptwriter of the film.
The director-duo Pramod-Pappan, who have proven themselves with films like 'Vajram’ and ‘Thaskaran Veeran’, are treading a different path this time. The film would be made in the digital format and Pramod will handle the camera for the film.
The film is expected to hit the screens by the end of this year itself. Many big names in the Malayalam film industry attended the function at the Symphony hall here.
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